David Kelly
David and I are working on addressing the problem of structured input
generation, in particular on how strings hide structure behind their type.
Zheng Gao
Zheng and I are quantifying the effectiveness of type systems and seeking to exploit my
time-traveling debugger work for root cause analysis.
Jenschwich Charoenchai
(Steve Hailes second), 2021–
Jenschwich, Steve, and I are pursuing flexible factory automation with machine learning.
Maria Del Mar Zamorano Lopez
(co-first with Federica
Sarro and
Carlos Cetina), 2021–
Mar, Carlos, Federica, and I are exploring model transplantation to speed game
Iason Papapanagiotakis-Bousy
(co-first with David Clark),
Iason, David, and I are applying program analysis techniques to create a
framework that bounds the probability of program equivalence.
Abdoul Kader Kabore
F. Bissyandé, University of Luxembourg, first), 2019–
Kader, Tegawendé, and I are working on neural clone detection.
Nikhil Parasaram
(Sergey Mechtaev, first), 2019–
Nikhil, Sergey, and I are working in automated program repair.
Alex Brisan
(Don Sanella, University of Edinburgh, first), 2019–
Alex, Don, and I are working on optional typing.
Bruno Mauricio Rodrigues Crotman
(Marcio Barros,
PPGI-UNIRIO, first), 2019–
Bruno, Marcio, and I are applying game theory to software development processes.
Irene Vlassi-Pandi
(Andy Gordon,
Microsoft Research Cambridge/University of Edinburgh, first;
Charles Sutton,
Google Brain, second), 2017–
Irene, Andy, Charles, and I are applying ML to the problem of exploiting names in type inference.
David White (2017–19) and I continue to collaborate on applying metaheuristics and machine learning to programming problems.
Santanu Dash (2016–2018) is an assistant professor (lecturer) at Royal Holloway. He and I continue to work together on dual channel program analysis and the data-driven construction of programs.
Nassim Seghir (2016–19) and I are still working, albeit slowly, on the identifying, cataloguing, and exploiting SubTuring islands.
Jie Zhang (2018–2019) is now an RA working with Mark Harman and Federica Sarro.
David Landsberg (2018–2019) and I worked on a casual approach to software fault localisation.